These Baby Bunnies Love to Dance!


The BunnyBlog

Here are the Latest Updates about the Bunnies and our Web Site.

Bunnies and Summer Heat

The folks at “Cats & Rabbits & More” are passing along great tips about keeping your bunnies cool during the summer.

They also have some pretty cool houses for your pet to play in. Our bunnies played in one of them during the Bunny Funtacular. Nope, we don’t get any cash for suggestions like that - we just liked the bunny condo.

Head over to their page to find out more.

BunniesforBabies on Hiatus! Look! LAMBS!

What’s a hiatus?

It’s that break that some TV shows take when something isn’t right. Sometimes, these TV shows don’t come back from hiatus. Yikes!

However, is just on hiatus, a pause, until we have some new baby bunnies to watch over. We’re not sure when that will be, so be sure to check out the site from time to time, or watch our Twitter for updates. Or drop us a note and ask to be on our mailing list. Just email

Still, there’s more to life on Cabin Creek Acres. There are sheep, hens, lambs, big bunnies, and a special donkey named Puddles. And you can find them over at Our cameras are currently watching over 5 funny, smiley-faced lambs. We hope you’ll go visit them soon.

We’ll catch up with you over there!

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